Green Urbanist
Explore climate action in cities with the people who are making it happen.
Do you want to take meaningful action on the climate and biodiversity crises? Dive into interviews with leading practitioners, researchers and authors to learn about the art and science of sustainability and regenerative design.
With over 100 episodes, the podcast covers the challenges facing cities from all angles, including architecture, urban design, biodiversity, planning, policy, housing, transport, economics and systems thinking. Start listening to learn how to make cities more sustainable, healthy and happy, get inspired and learn actionable advice to inform your own work.
The Green Urbanist podcast is hosted by Ross O'Ceallaigh, an urban designer and educator.
Green Urbanist
#88: Restoring Landscapes and Reconnecting to Nature, with Alexandra Steed
Alexandra Steed is a passionate landscape architect with a deep commitment to art, sustainability, and the transformative power of landscapes.
We talk about:
- Her new book: Portrait to Landscape
- How to restore landscapes on a large scale to build climate resilience and biodiversity
- How The UK's Environment Act and Biodiversity Net Gain are working in reality
- Project case studies and book recommendations.
Learn more:
Alexandra Steed URBAN:
Book: Portrait to Landscape:
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Get 10% off Course: Sustainability Essentials for Built Environment Professionals
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