Green Urbanist - Sustainability Tips for Urban Designers, Planners and Place-makers

#38: Dr Morgan Phillips - Climate Adaptation

Dr Morgan Philips is UK Co-Director of The Glacier Trust, a UK charity that enables remote mountain communities in Nepal to adapt to Climate Change, and Head of Insight at Global Action Plan. He has a PhD in Environmental Education and is the author of Great Adaptations, a new book about climate adaptation.

In this episode we are talking, unsurprisingly, about climate adaptation. What is it, why we need to be talking about it and lots of examples of good and bad adaptations from cities adapting to increased heat to rural communities in Nepal using agroforestry.

Morgan also tells me about two concepts called Deep Adaptation and Transformational Adaptation, which explore how we may adapt to a society level collapse due to climate change. So, we really cover climate adaption from micro to macro scales in this episode.

Learn more about Morgan and his work:
Great Adaptations Book:

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The Green Urbanist podcast is hosted by Ross O'Ceallaigh.